so yea my freind said that if someone with curly hair waxes thier head, the hair will grow back thinner, and therefore straighter, is this true?
My freind told me that if a guy with curly to understand what im getting at?
i highly doubt it because the more you style your hair shave it wax it or what ever it gets thicker
My freind told me that if a guy with curly to understand what im getting at?
I'm certain a lot of people with curyly hair could tell you different. Me for one.
My freind told me that if a guy with curly to understand what im getting at?
I don't think so, everyone is different what happens to one person does not mean it will be the same for someone else!
My freind told me that if a guy with curly to understand what im getting at?
no it will grow thicker, mi mom had reli thin hair when she was little, so her ddad shaved ehr ahir and now ts reli thick, plus wxing is not such a gewd idea dude
My freind told me that if a guy with curly to understand what im getting at?
No. Not at all. Curls in your hair is something that is determined by your folicles. Hair is waste protein. Your folicles build hair by adding protein molicules together with a sulfer-bond. People with straight hair, the protein molicules are lined up perfectly. People with curly hair, the sulfer bonds are not lined up perfectly. Your hair may grow in thinner after waxing many multiple times, but no less curly. Women sometimes have curlier or less curly hair after pregnancy, or it will change color, but that is because their hormone composition changes so drastically.
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