Monday, April 16, 2012

Ok,my hair is natrually curly,though i regularly straghtned it because its to hard to manage when it

Though i dont want to get it chemacally staghtend because i do, in someway like my hair curly. I want to get a cool, new hair cut. I was thinking about getting bangs but,if my hair is curly,it wont look right? RIGHT??..So please if you have advice on a cute hair style that versital for me,leave a comment. =)

ps) I have an oval face(

Ok,my hair is natrually curly,though i regularly straghtned it because its to hard to manage when its curly.?

Curly hair with bangs really don't sound too stylish - and you don't want to go with the straight bangs and curly hair. Have you seen that? Anyway, I would say if your hair is curly, get a cute cut, but steer away from anything with bangs (well, unless you see a cute style in a magazine or something).

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