Saturday, April 14, 2012

What kind of hairstyle will look good with my curly hair? Pictures Included?

I have long curly hair. (To the middle of my back) But no matter what I do with it, it seems to make my face look fat and my head huge lol. What should I do? Cut it shorter?

Here's some examples of how it is now

Here it is straight. Cute, but takes FOREVER!

What kind of hairstyle will look good with my curly hair? Pictures Included?

Leave it curly. Your face doesn't look fat. You head does not look huge.

It might be nice if you showed one picture of it not pulled back.

I would get rid of the piercing on your eyebrow.

My niece has hair just like yours.

What kind of hairstyle will look good with my curly hair? Pictures Included?

hmm. maybe you could try scrunching it with mousse? idk it could work (:

What kind of hairstyle will look good with my curly hair? Pictures Included?

I think it looks nicer when its curly =)

What kind of hairstyle will look good with my curly hair? Pictures Included?

I think you would look better with shorter hair :-)

What kind of hairstyle will look good with my curly hair? Pictures Included?

I think you look better with curly hair.

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