Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Pantene for curly hair?

Is there something in pantene that works well on curly hair? I have VERY curly hair, and i used pantene when i was really little. It made my hair so pretty and sooo shiny. It isnt like that anymore. I also know this girl with curly hair, but its soft and silky and healthy. She uses pantene. My friends mom styles her hair with pantene mouse and hairspray and all. Her hair is really pretty. Neither of them have unhealthy hair, even though pantene is supposed to be bad. Anyone have any input on this?

Pantene for curly hair?

i'm a hairstylist and it is COMPLETELY bad for your hair, would you put car wax or how about teflon the kind on your pans on your hair? when in doubt read your list of indgredents....

if you have a really good flat iron like a chi or paul mitchell it will actually burn off! i love when i have a client in my chair for the first time and they are all about pantene shampoo and the entire line....after i dry their hair and before i put any product in i take a chunk of hair flat iron it and show them just how "wonderful" pantene is! if you look on your iron you can tell by the dirty gross like wax feeling stuff....i will normally take if off the iron and if the still don't believe and put it on their fingers so they can feel how gross it is! I love that!

the more you have used it the worse the build up on the hair. yuck! oh and by the way if you're an animal lover they test on animals-they're are one of the worst companies!

for the women of color....here is a horror story of her experience


i work in the hair industry i have heard a few stories from my friends that in their salons, a few times they had a client getting hilights and all of the sudden their hair starts smoking and their clients hair broke off-all of which used pantene products (heavy users).

Pantene for curly hair?

yea it makes ur hair really shiny and stuff but it is really bad for ur hair ( =

Pantene for curly hair?

Don't use Pantene; use something from the Black people's section of Walmart.

Pantene for curly hair?

I have very curly hair too, don't shampoo everyday. I shampoo once a week and condition every time I'm in the shower. I use patene curl moisture and my curls have definitely become more defined. Don't play with your hair a lot because that makes it frizzy as well.

Pantene for curly hair?

i dont understand what's so bad about pantene if it obviously works by making your hair soft, silky, shiny, etc. i've used pantene for years and now i use their relaxed and natural line of products which i absolutely love. plus, it's inexpensive and can be found almost anywhere. the best thing about it is the panthenol ingredient which is great for anybody's hair and the brand has been around forever, so what's the unhelathy part that nobody seems to be explaining? i know they have products for all different types of hair, including curly, and since it has worked for you in the past why not start using it again? the great thing is that they keep coming out with new stuff that's even better so if you find one for your hair it couldnt be worse than the kind you use to use when you were little. what have you got to lose besides a few bucks that can easily be refunded...?

i recommend the "pantene hydrating curls" line of products. see their website at www.pantene.com for more info and good luck!

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