Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I have naturally curly hair. Is there any foolproof way to temporarily straighten it?

I have extremely huge, wild, curly hair. Maybe types of 3 and 4 combined. How can I straighten it? Blow driers are a major no, because they make me look like I just got struck by lightning. Flat irons have to be so hot to get my hair straight that they tend to damage my hair, if overused, but if I do manage to do my whole head, it looks nice for about 10 minutes, then it all starts to feel stiff and stick out and the roots revert back and...then it sticks out all over the place like I just sprayed in a couple cans of aqua net. 80s rockers would have been proud... but if it's not Halloween, then, I need a smooth, tamer look. I don't want to use a chemical straightener. I used to have one, and my hair spent more time in broken pieces on my shoulders or floor than it did on my head. Yeah, my hair got long sometimes, but it was never healthy. I really want to wear my hair straight sometimes. Magazines claim you can temporarily straighten curly hair, but I can't figure out how. Any ideas?

I have naturally curly hair. Is there any foolproof way to temporarily straighten it?

condition your hair then use a hair creme or leavin conditioner like wella for straight hair and blowdry and use a hair iron and finish look with wax

I have naturally curly hair. Is there any foolproof way to temporarily straighten it?

why don't you rebond or relax your hair? Or you could put mousse after you wet your hair. If there really no way, why don't you just style your hair so it won't look big and wild. You could do halfpony or put it on a bun.

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