Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

I have curly hair and it pretty much sucks. When I was born, I had super straight hair but when I grew up, it turned curly. People suggest that I shave my hair bald or semi-bald(buzz cut) so that it can grow straight again. My classmate told me that his brother was born with straight hair and it turned curly when he grew up and his brother had shaved his head semi-bald and it grew straight.

Can that possibly happen that if I shave my bald or semi-bald, it can turn straighter? I heard that when the weight of the curly hair is removed it has a chance to grow straight. Is is true?. .I don't want to have rebonding. The thing i/m only down is shaving my hair semi-bald. Can it happen that it will grow straight?


Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

It is possible that it'll frow back straight but of course there is no guarentee... it is all based on the pigment of your hair. Mine too use to be straight and now it is wavy and frizzy. I wish mine was straight too. But instead of buzzing your hair you can get it chemically straightened for good, then you just retouch it like 2-3 times a year. Hope this helps hun.

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

i think thats a myth ive always wanted to try... i have like SUPER curly hair... but i striaghten it everyday hahah! ne ways please dont shave your haead what if it doesnt work.. and you shaved your head for nothing. another thing.. every baby is born with striaght hair.

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

I know several people that have had the same thing happen to them. I would ask your hairdresser because she would probably know better then everyone. I have super curly hair so it sucks. My sister used to have stick straight hair then after she turned 16 it went frizzy and curly, she just straightens it all the time (I mostly use curl defining cream but i straighten sometimes too)

BTW-I was born with curly hair and my husband was born with white blond ringlets, so babys are born with curls. There isn't much hope that our kids will have straight hair either! (I'm 20 weeks along with our first)

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

im pretty sure it's true becuase i remember cancer patients losing their hair and it can change if its curly or straight and the color? i dont how much is true but its worth i try i mean i your brav enough to try i would to, to get curly hair....anyways alot of people's hair changes due to stupid hormones mine was blonder than it is now and its turning dark so i highlight it and the same thing happened to my mom and her hair is now really dark, also i had pretty straight hair until i was like10? then it turned wavy

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

its due to the amount of humidity in the atmosphere

it hapened to me too!!!

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

i was born with really curly hair and then it turned straight! lol!

instead of cuttin it off and stuff, why dont you just get some straighteners?

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

My hair changes from straight to curly every 7 years or so, curly when I was little, then straight, then curly, then it went straight when I turned 21. I have never shaved it or anything, it's just something that has happened with your hair.

Maybe yours will do similar?

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

ummm u should just try it, we could never really tell you for sure, cuz everyone is try it and good luck!

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

I dont know, that sounds a little fabricated. If you wanna experiment you should try. But I think it might take a bit more than a Buzz Cut or Head Shaving to do the trick, you might need products or a straightening iron.

Born with super straight hair but turned curly when I was seven?.?

if you don't care about your hair then try it but your hair might come back even more curly......if you love your hair length then i would recommend you to go get a asian straight perm... i have reall curly hair and when i get this perm i don't have to straighten it anymore..... to me its worth it okay ..... good luck

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