Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Curly hair HELP.....Please any idea will be apperciated!!!?

Ok soo I ahve asked many qusetions like this one b4 and gooten good answers but notthing is working!!! soo... I have major curly hair and its a big pain in the a**!!!!! I REALLY want it PIN straight but Ia mtrying 2 stay away from irons but if u have any GOOD ones please list them!!!! I have had curly hair all my life and I am tried of it so if any1 has any possible ideas on how 2 get my hair pin straight PLEASE tell me it is driving me insane!!!!!! Thanks soooo much!!!!!!!!


Curly hair HELP.....Please any idea will be apperciated!!!?

yes you could go to a salon like the girl above said and get it chemically straightened but that will cost a nice bunch.

I have had majorly curly hair all my life as well and i straighten mine on the regular. Only problem is you have to do it like every few days cause with our culry hair after strightening it, it get oily after about 2 days and we gotta wash it again.

I have a revlon straightener and it works great and it was only like 25 bucks at target. i know you dont wanna use a straightener but i think unless you wanna go spend a ton of money you will end up having to. But you can minimize how much you have to use it.

If you try to straighten in when its in curls its a lot of work. Here is my suggestions, cause if you look at my pic my hair is straightened and it only takes me about 15 20 minutes instead of the hour it used to cause of the things i do before hand.

Try this; wash your hair the night before wash it good scrub your scalp and everything to remove the build up and any pesky oils off your scalp that will creep on to your hair after straightening it.

then braid it either in two pigtails on the sides or one in the back (keep the hair bands loose )and braid it loose so in the morning it will be just about completly dry.

(or and this one works best, loosly twist your hair into a bun on the top of your head, and you wont have the braid dents in it and it will dry in a pretty straight way.)

this will make your hair dry with some straight-ness to it. its ok if when you are about to straighten it, it is still a tiny bit damp. that will actually make it stragihten better.

use your starightener on full strength (you can tell if it is too hot for your hair by ussing a piece of kleenex and putting the tissue into the straightener and hold it shut on it for 5 seconds if the tissue turns brown in the amount of time then it will burn you hair too. so do that check as well) after your heat setting is as high as it can go, bunch all but a small section on the bottom up into a bun. like the bottom layer of your hair all the way from ear to ear but it needs to be thin. then flaten that section (DO NOT RUN A BRUSH THRU IT brushing it while its hot will not help it will actually create frizz and put waves back in again brush after your hair is totally cool.) after its flat pull down another thin section ear to ear and flaten that so on and so on. once you have everything flatened from bottom up and you have the front area left (make sure you always do the front area and bangs last) (still dont brush it) take the front hair in thin sections and if you want some body and bouce to your stragiht hair then hold the hair straight up and run the iron up like to the celingand give it a few seconds(like 4-5 seconds) to sit on the part near the scalp so this part has some bounce and body to it. do that with all the hair in the front. then ta da make sure its totally cool to the touch then you can add a TINY dab of anit frizz cream to the ENDS ONLY . then rub your hands on the top but do the bottom first.

also with curly hair you may have to grab a thin section of hair each time and actually hold it out then iron the part from the scalp to your hand over and over a few times the ends will flatten easy so do that part last.

i said you could put cream in it but i dont use any styling products at all ever. and you can always blow dry your hair directly outta the shower (leave it a bit damp tho i actually found that helps it flatten better.) but i was telling you how i do it cause i don tlike to use heat if i dont have to. using the bun lets it dry pretty straight already. and have a mirror handy so you can go check each and every section of hair that you flattened in the back, that you finish before you let down more culry hair down on top of it.

if you want to go look at how straight and curly my hair is you can check out my myspace page and pictures as an example for you. :) www.myspace.com/crystal831

good luck hun

Curly hair HELP.....Please any idea will be apperciated!!!?

get it chemically straitened at a salon.

it will stay straight for months.

Curly hair HELP.....Please any idea will be apperciated!!!?

It's okay to straighten your hair as long as you make sure that you use protecting serum or spray before doing it.

You can also buy frizz-ease shampoo and conditioner (try john frieda).

With curly hair, it's best to use a LOT of the frizz-ease conditioner, and frizz-ease serum whilst your hair is damp. Then you can straighten your hair (GHDs are the best make of straightener by the way...they leave you with POKER straight hair).

You sound like you have the same type of hair as my sister, so I know what I'm talking about.

Another thing you can do, is buy hair relaxant. I don't know where you're living in the world, but here in the UK we have this store called Boots which sells 'hair relaxer' which is a treatment you leave on your hair for about half an hour and it relaxes your curls and frizz for about 1 month, which means you can control it and straighten/blow dry with better results...

hope this helps


Curly hair HELP.....Please any idea will be apperciated!!!?

y dnt u like ur hair?? everyone has straight hair. u should like being different.

Curly hair HELP.....Please any idea will be apperciated!!!?

I have majorly curly hair too. I've tried it all: Sunsilk, Friz ease, Anti Poof, you name it. All the gels, all the 'magical' sprays, but if you staighten it, get it done professionally (chemically), or to make your hair luscious soft and smooth, (and take advantage of your beautiful curls) use shampoo and conditioner that is marked 'shiny'. Yeah, i know that's dosent SAY 'friz, poof' or what ever, but it WORKS.

Curly hair HELP.....Please any idea will be apperciated!!!?

Get it permanent straighten in a hair salon and if you don't like it then stop using the treatment they will give you

good luck!!

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