Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Curly hair dont know what to do with it?

also i dont want to cut my hair i just want pics of styles that are easy to do with my hair i hate when my hair is in a pony tail all the time idk what to do with it ? plz help also i love my curly hair

Curly hair dont know what to do with it?

Everyone's hair is different and even curly hair is extremely different from person to person. i tend to put hair mousse (made for curly hair) in my hair when its still wet and it works great. It works best for me when i have a shower in the morning, put the mousse in and let it dry naturally. Sometimes i have to touch it up a bit if its humid, but it always keeps its curl. Best part about this method, its super quick and super easy..

Sometimes, when i have much more time, I twist my hair in ringlets as its drying. When its dry, it looks like tight ringlets, but then i separate them. Its a little hard to explain in writing...

Another method they use at the salon is with a difffuser attachement on a hair dryer. This allows your curls to dry 'srunched' so they keep their shape..

I know you mentioned you don't want to cut your hair, but you could consider getting some very soft, subtle layers around your face. I was completely against it myself, but finally gave in and i love it! It makes my thick curly hair look less intense around my face.

Hope some of that helps

Curly hair dont know what to do with it?

scrunch it or tease it

try making messy buns

use gel

braid it

Curly hair dont know what to do with it?

i have really curly hair to and what i do is after i get out of the shower i towel dry my hair and then i add treseme styling mouse..then i add treseme antifrizz curl shaping spray it really works..then i scrunch my hair alot and put it in a bun to go to sleep and when you wake up you should have frizz free defined curls =] good luckk

Curly hair dont know what to do with it?

i have wavy hair but it becomes like a frizz wig but when i take a shower and dry my hair a little bit i put tresem mousse on and also tresem air spray thats what i use hope it works on you

Curly hair dont know what to do with it?

well i have crazy curly hair its like up to my arm pits and its think normally i don't know Wat to do with it but the things i normally do are use a clip to pull half of it back (half pony tail) kinda but yeah it looks so good and also you should do it in pigtail braids it looks good with curly hair...i don't know why . you should use the sunsilk leave in conditioner the green one i forget which one it is

but yeah hope tht help sry i dont have any pics

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