Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Curly hair to straight hair?

I have wavy, curly hair and i want to straighten it..but when i use my straightener my hair will go back to being wavy towards the middle to bottom..does anyone know how to keep ur hair straight for a day or longer without chemical straightening or spending a whole lot of money? please help...

Curly hair to straight hair?

Use a straitning shampoo and conditioner. and then put your hair straitner on high and try that

Curly hair to straight hair?

avoid humidity.

(good luck)

Curly hair to straight hair?

straight hair :)

Curly hair to straight hair?

umm yea no humidity and also straighten more than 1 time

Curly hair to straight hair?

part you hair into thin sections a makeshur its traight and then move on and gradully it wwill be all straiaght

Curly hair to straight hair?

Straighten it and then spray it with a strong hold hair spray. Since it is the summer time it gets very humid outside. The humidity will curl your hair, and paper, and anything else it can. There's not too much us curly haired people can do.

Curly hair to straight hair?

go to a salon and blow dry it

Curly hair to straight hair?

sleep in big rollers then strighten it that morning that should help keep it smooth

Curly hair to straight hair?

it cuz humidity i would try 2 get away from that but its preaty hard not 2 go outside soo i would try straghtening it with maybe a diffrent staraghtner or after u straghten it put something in it good luck ps. i love curly hair

Curly hair to straight hair?

That's like asking, how do I keep my hair which is naturally straight from staying curly without a perm in our humidity? It doesn't matter what I do, becuase it is straight and heavy I can't keep a curl. I can gel it, spray it, whatever, but in humid weather, down it comes and flat, flat, flat and straight. I just don't think it's becoming at all. I would do anything for your curly hair. I can't even put it in a pony tale it just is so soft and straight it just falls out and Iook a mess. I would give anything for your straight hair. Oh, well , the grass is always greener, eh?

Curly hair to straight hair?

I have the same problem. First wash your hair and use a deep conditioner like Pantene, if your hair is dry. Then mix some straighting serum and some anti frizz cream and rub through your hair. Then blow dry straright. Put little bit more anti frizz cream through your dry hair and flat iron. Also you can get a layered hair cut and that helps alot to keep it straight.

Curly hair to straight hair?

Coming from someone who has curly hair and always wanting it to be straight, I KNOW your struggle! I used to always blow dry my hair but now that I've tried the Maxi-Glide, I'll never go without one! In my opinion, The Maxi-Glide is the best hair straightening tool out there. It leaves my hair pin straight and so shiny! You can do flips and other different styles with it too. I LOVE IT!

If you want to buy one but are concerned about the cost (they usually run about $80.00), just do what I did - I get coupons in the mail ALL the time from Bed, Bath %26amp; Beyond who also sells the Maxi-Glide. So I used the 20% off coupon and got it for much less.

Good Luck!!

Curly hair to straight hair?

starighten around your head twice

avoid humidity

hair spray

try herbal esscenses pin straight dangerously straight shampoo AND conditioner make sure u use both twice

also brush your hair after you get out of the shower to stop it from drying curly

but also brush it AGAIN right before its dry

Hope i helped

Good Luck :)

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